Friday, December 30, 2011

Day Something-or-other

Haha I lost track of which day of Christmas it is so I'm giving up on that :)

Why is wipeout so entertaining? I mean, I waste SO MUCH TIME watching wipeout, storage wars, and house hunters. They're just so addicting and brain-washy.

But, maybe it's not a total waste of time. Maybe my subconscious is learning useful stuff from all these trivial shows??

Maybe, Maybe not.

Caite Queen

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

three and four.

OOPS. I skipped the third day of Christmas. So, happy third and fourth day of Christmas! Hope you got a total of 7 birds in the past two days from your true love...

I don't have much to say except iceskating in ill-fitting skates is HARD.

Caite Queen

Monday, December 26, 2011

Boxing Day!

Two Turtle Doves.... It's the second day of Christmas :D Does anyone know why there are so many birds in the 12 Days of Christmas song?

Today is also Boxing Day. I celebrated by "cleaning" my room. Wanna know how Boxing Day is traditionally celebrated?!? .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:

Truth is, I don't completely know. I THINK people box up leftover food from holidays and bring it to friends, family, and the needy. So really it's a feel good holiday.

That's about it. Other than y'all need to get out and start acting charitable ;)

Caite Queen

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hi World

The definition of Paragon is, "excellent example." This blog is Paragon of Me or excellent example of me. I'll try to live up to that in every post :)

Hi. My name is Caite. I'm crazy, artzy, nerdy, nice and I like to knit. I'm obbsessed with a few things but I will surely talk your ears off about those things later (wonderful bio, I know.)

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Did y'all know that the 12 Days of Christmas start on actual Christmas day??? My American mind was totally blown when I found this out. I thought the 12 Days of Christmas were leading up to it but NOOOOOPE. So, HAPPY FIRST DAY OF CHRISTMAS! I hope you all get your fair share of partridges and pear trees. Moving on! This Christmas I got the coolest fannypack in the world. I'm serious. It is legitlly like the coolest thing IN THE WORLD. I mean. It has sequined elephants!

Things I like:
on YouTube:
•Jenna Marbles
•Honey Badger
Websites and apps I waste my life on:
•and stupid Solitare (ya win some, ya lose most.)
Video games:
I'll just say two for now
•Legend of Zelda

Sorry if you found all that junk up there boring. This is my first post and I'm thinking it needs to be slightly informative ;) I'm sure all the others will be redundant to everyday life.

Want more? Wait till I post again or comment!

Caite Queen