Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's not that I love all the mainstream music. I just like songs I know the words to.

It's easier to learn songs when the radio drills them into your head.

Caite Queen

stinky shoes

Turns out it's a bad idea to fill the birdbath with water while wearing suede shoes.

Who would've guessed....

Caite Queen

The Hunger Games

So I'm really tempted to go all Hunger Games fan-girl BUT I should probably finish the trilogy..... The only problem is that whenever I sit down to read them I end up reading for hours and hours and hours on end. That wouldn't be so bad but I don't get anything productive done.


I wonder how long it would take me to paint a mockingjay on my nail....

Caite Queen

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Groundhog Day!

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day. I don't know what it is but I love Groundhog Day! It's funny because I tend to root for the underdogs... I adore minor holidays (Groundhog Day, my half birthday, Boxing Day, my birthday, the 12 Days of Christmas, Thanksgiving..... (okay that last one isn't really minor but it always seems to be in the shadows of Christmas and Football)), I'm a Hufflepuff, I'm in a string Orchestra.... It seems like in everything I do I CHOOSE to be with the Underdogs. But ya know, that's okay. It sets me apart from others.

Most people choose to set their sights on Valentines Day and skip Groundhog Day.
Most people choose to be in Gryffindor, where all the main characters of Harry Potter are from, and shun the Hufflepuffs.
Most people completely overlook Orchestra for Band.
A lot of people try to become someone they just AREN'T.

But me? I just embrace the things I care about and smile.

Do you think it would freak people out if I put together a groundhog costume and wore it to school?

Caite Queen

at least I have views?

I get all excited when I see I've had 15 page views! Then I realize most of them are probably me looking at my new template....

Either way, I'm counting them all.

Caite Queen

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Valentines Rant

I don't get it. Why does almost every single (as in a person who is not in a relationship) person HATE Valentines day? I mean I get it that it's a "reminder" that you're single. But why hate it? It doesn't have to be a day for showing only one person that you love them. It can be a day to tell everyone in your life how important they are to you (the people that are important to you that is.). So I say quit moping. If you're moping you probably have some growing up to do.
And another thing. WHY ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT VALENTINES DAY??? It's still over 2 weeks away ya know. I mean some people are just as bad as the ad agencies... skipping over Thanksgiving for Christmas. Like, what about Groundhog day?

Don't forget the groundhogs......


Caite Queen

I should really post more often.

the title says it all.


Caite Queen


Don't you just LOVE it when you get the brand new 3DS Harvest Moon game and every gameday it freezes....

I'm off to restart the day...... again......


Caite Queen

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I smell a smelly smell.

When it's past late and your indoor dog smells HORRIBLE there are steps you can take to make him/her smell better!

1. put him/her outside

2. Lock him/her in sibling's, parent's, roommate's, or other's room/space.

3. Rub down him/her with a dryer sheet and hope they aren't allergic.

4. Spray him/her with perfume or nice smelling stuff.

If all this fails you should really just give the poor dog a bath.

Woof woof!

Caite Queen